“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” 

Dorothea Lange

Hi, I'm Martice!  I know my name is a little different, so if you need some help saying it, it's pronounced Mar-teese. Just don't ask me what its origin is because I actually have no clue!

I was born and raised in Vancouver, Canada where I spent most of my childhood dancing and playing every sport I possibly could.  I majored in Criminology and Psychology and have dabbled in everything from working with young offenders, to non-profit management, to fashion.

In 2012, I moved to Hong Kong with my husband. It was then that I took an interest in photography. With Hong Kong's bustling night markets, interesting alleyways, beautiful beaches and parks, I couldn't put my camera down.  I wanted to capture it all. 

Fortunately, I was lucky enough to meet a very talented fashion photographer in the industry who welcomed me with open arms and showed me the ropes (check out her amazing work at sabrinasikoraphotography.com). Since then, I've shot for Italian designer Pheres, Sweet Lemon Magazine, Lululemon, Ro&Mo, Upper Street, Polkadot Boutique, Sassy Hong Kong, Raven + Rose and more.

In addition to shooting fashion, I am passionate about lifestyle photography and capturing all the small, but important details. The details that express mood and emotions, and tell a whole narrative.  There truly is art in the details and I love to share that through my work.

After seven years abroad, countless countries travelled, and one baby boy later, our family relocated back to Vancouver.  In 2019, we added another member to our a family, a baby girl.

If you're still reading this, thank you for taking the time to get to know me. If you have any questions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me!


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